Tweet 11/11/2021 10:43 PM RT @BCSsport: So proud of @BCSsport and @BCS_Senior for winning the @ISAsportUK national award for large schools award @isaschools https://… 0 2021 11/11/2021
Tweet 11/11/2021 10:51 PM RT @DLDcollege: Proud winners of this award at tonight’s #isaawards2021 Congratulations to everyone @DLDcollege @Alpha_PlusGroup 0 2021 11/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 12:42 AM RT @KHSHead: What an evening at the ISA Awards! King’s High was awarded Senior School of the Year and ISA Award for Excellence and Innovati… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 07:31 AM RT @DLDPrincipal: Thrilled to be announced as #winners at the @isaschools awards last night for Excellence and Innovation in #mentalhealth… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 07:32 AM @DLDPrincipal @DLDcollege @JulieR_isc @Alpha_PlusGroup @SchoolsTatler @GoodSchoolsUK @BSAboarding @ISParent Congratulations, we hope you had a lovely night. #ISAAwards2021 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 08:30 AM It was great to celebrate with you all at the Awards Ceremony last night and we hope you're ready for another day of topical discussions. If you haven't had a chance to visit our lovely exhibitors ye… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:01 AM We kick off the second and final day at #ISA2021ASC with Marcel Hedman, founder of Nural Research, exploring how AI can be used in education, making it more accessible, tailored and much more. 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:03 AM RT @rochesterindcol: Thank you @isaschools @ISAartsUK! We're so pleased to have the work of our teachers and brilliant art and design stude… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:12 AM RT @C_learning_net: If you missed seeing the world's 1st digital assistant for #teachers from @MerlynMind at the @isaschools conference tod… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:17 AM Marcel is debunking the myths surrounding AI for our delegates. #ISA2021ASC 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:25 AM RT @C_learning_net: @james_wilding of @clairescourt holding the worlds 1st digital assistant for #TEACHers from @MerlynMind If you'd like t… 0 2021 12/11/2021
Tweet 12/11/2021 09:26 AM RT @ThisisRudi: Jaw dropping listening to @hedman_marcel peeking into the future of AI in education. Some incredible possibilities of done… 0 2021 12/11/2021